Welcome to dbdesignspace.com the on-line forum of David Baker Design. 

This site is for you to explore. Get to know my design, how I work and what I can do for you.

The blog section contains featured projects and discussion on current events in the design world. At any time post your comments and feel free to send questions.

Get comfortable, click around and see many of the fantastic projects and clients I’ve been fortunate to work with.

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David Baker Design was fashioned to fold art and science into architecture. The desire for beautiful, creative and functional spaces underpins our design method. Our client’s wishes, wants and needs overlay the process. Inspired by art, color and feeling, our mission is to create valuable spaces with a mind for the realities of design - time and budget. Care for detail and an enduring desire to find the best solutions for clients remain driving forces behind our creations.

To our clients we bring knowledge with an open mind to hear and reflect their personal aesthetic. To each project we bring tailored design solutions with realistic and achievable goals. We are always learning, staying up on the latest in rapidly changing technology and codes.


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As picture perfect as I want your home to be, your design is an ever-changing  process not simply a snap-shot in time. As your tastes evolve, as you explore the world, new discoveries will make you smile and you want to bring those charms into your home. I believe a great design allows for change. Furnishings can move around (how much fun is that?), art can cycle from room to room and in time new treasures will replaced the old. Our homes are a mosaic, a picture-board, the story of our lives.

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Corporate image shows your customers what to expect. Your company vision, your purpose and promise reflects in your visual presentation.

For our corporate clients we create identity through architecture. The aesthetic of space evokes an emotional response. Restaurants may want to be warm, relaxed and comforting or bright and quick! A corporate boardroom invites participation and ideas by feeling lively and energetic. A medical office will need intimacy. A retail space may want customers to slow down and browse.

Great spaces need flow. They need to feel right. I work to deliver a sense of balance and scale that’s sometimes difficult to put into words. This is something some people struggle to envision from a drawing, floor plan or an image, but vision is what I bring to my clients and impart in our work together.
— David Baker